Our car got broken into (probably by a homeless person since we were parked right by the trash and we’ve seen them going through it) and they stole our GPS system out of the glove compartment. And just for fun, our insurance doesn’t cover it!
In order to cope with these HUGE (I’m very dramatic at the moment! Ha!) loss in my life, I’m writing a letter to the good ole GPS:
Dear GPS,
I’ll miss the way you used to get us to places earlier than expected. You were so smart and always knew the best and fastest way to get there.
I’ll miss how we didn’t have to think about which way we were going. Sometimes, you’d even talk to us. But if we ever got sick of hearing your voice, you’d be quiet too.
We’ll miss how we NEVER got lost. This is very important as I’m super creative at finding new ways to get myself all turned around.
I’ll miss all the fun adventures we use to have just driving around with the security of knowing we could always find our way back home.
But most of all, I’ll miss how we could find any food or any store our little hearts desired. You always knew exactly what was closest and easiest to get to.
It was like you could read our minds.
Farewell Friend. There will be an empty place in my heart until we meet again!
Yours truly,
Dana Grant
Jeremy took these pictures of the glass on the ground…..
…..and the glass in the seat:
Ahahahahaa!!! I’m sorry…really I am, but hahahahaa!
Thanks a lot, jerk! Laughing at our misfortune!
But for reals. If one thing getting stolen from has taught me is to be more thankful for what I do have!! Some people aren’t even blessed with GPS systems! What a concept!
signed BFF
Poor little GPS, he is probably so scared and cold
Actually Michelle, it’s a SHE.(haha)
You’re all nuts!!!!!!!! It doesn’t have feelings, wait, maybe they do, I’m one of the misfortunate ones that don’t have a GPS system so……. I don’t know, maybe they do have feelings.
Sorry to see your little GPS lady go out like that! Seriously, that sucks!
I’m sorry about your GPS…that really sucks! =(
I am your 55 year old aunt who never gets lost as long as I stay on the highways!!!! but as soon as I get off the highway I am lost:-(!
So I have had a blackberry for almost a year and I didn’t know I had GPS on it. One day last month I was trying to find a place, I had a mapquest print out with me but didn’t do any good!! I saw my cell bill and it said ” your GPS is ready when you are” I got on my blkberry and found the GPS…..it was as if I found a new husband…..or maybe better than that!!!!! I have not been the same from that day forward!!! Even it I know the destination, I turn my GPS on and I am a happy camper, girlfriend talks to me till I get to where I want to go!!!! I am so happy that if I lost my GPS….I would not know what I would do to the person who took it….remember I am an old lady and may not remember what I did the next morning:-)! love you mucho, Aunt Becky