For the shared birthday of Mom and Daughter, Chris (the dad) planned a big, fun day in L.A. First they rented a stretch limo to take all of us around town. We hit the Ivy for brunch, then walked around the street and The Grove, Pink’s, the Pier- just to name a few! Even though we were the photogs, we felt like we got the royal treatment all day with delicious food, riding in the limo and wonderful company. We were tired in the end (I think we all fell asleep on the ride home!) But it was a wonderful day to remember!
There ended up being SO many pictures, so this blog is pretty big!
Mattie Mae, birthday girl number 1:
Lia cracks me up!
We took that picture for Christmas!
Brunch at The Ivy.
Lia working her stuff!
My little model!
Jeremy: Friend, Photographer, Legend in his own mind!!
The whole famdamily! Chris’ parents joined us from Mississippi!
Love her converse!
Judah was serious about having a pic with the fur!
LOVE this!
Sums up The Picou kids!
I adore this shot of Randy + Debbie. They held hands all day and just had a good time, even though it was a bit of culture shock for them. They were good sports!
Lia, birthday girl number 2! I put her as number 2 because she puts her kids first : )
No one told them to do this!
But then 3 seconds later, a fight broke out!
Sammy (and me.)
This is so weird and I love it!
Getting some trinkets for the kids.
Loved the cloudy sunset on the pier.
Happy Birthday Mattie Mae!
Thank you Picou Family! We are so blessed to know you!