Barn, chickens and goats oh my!
Oh how I’ve wanted to do a shoot at my parent’s house, “The Schneider Ranch” in Norco (Horse Capital USA) for such a long time. Erin + Jordan were the perfect couple to make my barn dreams come true. (And hopefully I made theirs come true as well.)
See the first part of their shoot here.
Chicken House built by my step dad aka Cinderfather.
Big Betty the Brahma…named lovingly given by my Ex hippie Mom.
The mom and daughter goats… wait for it… Galaxy Lacy and Dizzyland Pixie.
She showed off for her big shoot. (She never lets me take pictures of her.)
Yes, my step dad built this barn with his bare hands, thanks for asking!
I’ll pretend like I didn’t find that sign in my parent’s house.
And then Erin got lippy and Jordan had to show her who’s boss.
Love them all! That Barn is AMAZING!!! and I like how Jordan grabbed a pick axe…like little Miss. Poppy needs to be put in check! ADORBS!!! And that sign…WOW…I had no idea your Daddy is a Cowboy! LOL
i have to tell you, the pics are great, but those green and blue eggs made the most delicious smoked salmon fritatta ever! love you both <3
Man, this must have been the best day of your life:) Love all of them!