This is part two of the Colors of Miami shoot. Click here to see part 1.
While in Miami for the Target event at Hispanicize, Julia wanted to collaborate on her concept of a shoot she calls “Colors of Miami.” She writes so beautifully so this blog post is her words to my photography.
Conceptualized, styled and written by Julia of Serindiptious Events by Julia
Photography: Dana Grant
Hair and Makeup: Courtney Eads of Courtney K. Designs.
Lance and Racquel
In an instant Dana saw the backdrop of this 1950’s ish diner. Once Lance appeared in the doorway with that smile and Racquel lit up with excitement for her faux love, the symbiosis began. Youth, beauty, innocence and the arrival of instant attraction came to fruition when these two came together to create our military couple. There is such vivaciousness in two individuals that had never met each other, and such a sweet chemistry. It isn’t a challenge to create an evoking photograph when the souls create laughter, protection, excitement and break down the barriers that often prevent us from our greatest experiences. These two brought smiles to everyone’s face. They brought back those memories of what it felt like to see someone that you feel a lure towards.
I love these… It brings me right back to April 2013.. <3